We are delighted to confirm that the Department of Education has granted additional accommodation and therefore […]
The timetable for Christmas exams 2021 can be viewed here
The following is the official advice, sent to St Kevin’s Community College from the HSE, on […]
We are delighted to be able to provide a new Homework Club for 1st and 2nd […]
The schools hiking club went for their last hike for the time being this week. The […]
The music department is delighted with the arrival of lots of new instruments for students. We […]
This week in Biology we looked at the lifecycle of a pumpkin and carved out our […]
Please check out our poster with information below on our Supporting Youth Mental Health 1 hour […]
5th year art students recently went on an art appreciation trip taking in a tour of […]
Walk on Wednesdays Where: Meet at School Gates When: 9.30 All Welcome Any questions:  contact Deirdre […]
Start Up Dates 2021 Wednesday 25th August                  Staff Training Day Thursday 26th August                      1st Years […]
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