We are running an attendance initiative for the next 4 weeks.
All classes who show a weekly improvement in their attendance will get a box of chocolates at long registration the following week.
All students who complete a full school week in the 4 weeks will receive a ticket to a party/event in the week before midterm. This may be a pizza party/ice cream truck/coffee truck or a combination depending on the number of students and whether they are seniors or juniors.
All those who have full attendance for the full 4 weeks will receive a voucher/gift.
There will also be vouchers/gifts for those with the most improved attendance during this 4 week period.
We hope this will help improve our attendance. We need you help to make this happen. Please ensure your son/daughter is in school every day.
The statistics will be taken for the weeks
15th -19th January
22nd -26th January
29th January – 2nd February
5th -9th February
and the prizes will be given the week after midterm.
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