JCSP Library Competition
If you would like to do quizzes on the books you read and see your reading ability improve throughout the year, sign up for Accelerated Reader, with our librarian, Mr. Cassidy.
Every time you pass a quiz your name will be added to our bingo draw where you can win your choice of chocolates. Also, by passing a quiz, you can also join the JCSP book club which meets twice a month on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Every time you score 100% a certificate will be displayed on the library noticeboard and will be sent home at the end of the month.
The student who reads the most words at the end of the year will be presented with the Laura Brady Award for Reading at Awards Night, and the top ten readers will win an award also.
The link for Accelerated Reader is https://ukhosted20.renlearn.co.uk/2255129.
Mr Cassidy
A very warm welcome back to all Staff & Students for the 2019/2020 school year.
This promises to be a great year for all staff and students as we look forward to the opening of our Autism class, we trial our new school timetable, we welcome new teachers to our excellent staff and we see the complete roll-out of the new Junior Cycle for our incoming 1st years.
The Autism Class attempts to enable all students with Autism to belong to an educational community without prejudice and within which individual difference is celebrated. The class reflects the inclusive ethos of St Kevin’s Community College and wherever possible the students in the Autism Class (named Class Neptune) will be integrated within the mainstream school. We know that the rest of the students in the school will be respectful and helpful towards all the students in Class Neptune.
There are also a few changes to the structure of the school day. Here is a quick reminder: There will be Registration EVERY morning – including Wednesdays (all at 8.50am). Our lunch break is now 30 minutes long and the school day will finish at 15.40 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Canteen facilities will be available to provide lunch for all students on these days. 1st and 2nd year students MUST stay in school for all lunches. All other students may leave the school for lunch, but they MUST be back in time for afternoon classes at 13.40. If they can’t make it home and back in time, then they should stay in school for lunch.
Parents and Guardians will be able to access our school attendance software (VSWare) from home from the middle of September this year. We are doing this to help ensure we have 100% accurate records on attendance and to help us improve our attendance rates.
A reminder that Online payments can now be made using the MIT system which you can access from the top right of the school website – please remember to click ‘Create Account’ if you haven’t used the system before.
We look forward to welcoming all our students back and to getting to know our new 1st year students. Please continue to work with us to ensure that St Kevin’s is the best school we can make it and they we can offer the best possible education to your sons and daughters,
Let’s make this a great school year,
Tony Barry & Ciarán Duffy
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