Our Covid-19 Safety Procedures  (click here if you’d like to print a copy) (Updated August 17th, 2020)

Please note that some of these will be adjusted as we get to grips with a full return to school life and we will keep you informed at all times. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any of your concerns by emailing admin@stkevinscc.ie, tonybarry@stkevinscc.ie or ciaranduffy@stkevinscc.ie.

Covid-19 Safety Precautions

We are preparing the school so we can follow all of the necessary safety procedures as outlined by the Department of Education and the HSE. These include

  1. The following addition to our Code of Behaviour will be formally ratified by the Board of Management:

“All members of the school community, teachers, students, staff, SNAs, parents/guardians will fully comply with Covid-19 measures and protocols that are implemented for the health and safety of all.”

  1. It is ESSENTIAL that we have you correct contact details. In the event of a medical concern we must be able to contact you immediately. Please check your VSWare account to ensure all details are correct. (There is a help guide available on our website to help you set up your VSWare account if you don’t have one yet.)
  2. It is also ESSENTIAL that you download the KOMEER App from your App Store on your phone. We will communicate with you via this App and will be able to alert you if there are any Covid-19 concerns.
  3. Students should NOT come to school if they feel unwell/display any of the Covid-19 symptoms (cough, temperature, loss of smell/taste, shortness of breath).
  4. We have created a Covid isolation space in case anyone displays symptoms while in school. In such cases, students will be brought to this space where they can safely isolate until they can be collected following consultation with medical practitioners.)
  5. All students will stay in base classes as often as possible and teachers will move to them, reducing the need for students to mingle on the corridors. They will need to move for their option subjects (Woodwork, Art, Home Economics, Science, Music, Metalwork & Business) and some students may need to move for Maths, Irish and English. However, the movement for these students will be kept to a minimum, with students being allocated a seat beside someone from their base class and always within the same small section of the school.
  6. All of our rooms have been laid out to ensure social distancing of 1m at a minimum. Depending on certain subjects and the numbers of the students in the class, they may be able to sit further apart from each other.
  7. Students will have the same allocated seat and will be encouraged to clean their seat and desk with antibacterial wipes regularly. Classroom desks and chairs will be sanitised at least once every day.
  8. Classrooms will have plenty of hand sanitiser and antibacterial wipes and hand sanitiser will be positioned throughout the school at all touch-points and on walls of corridors.
  9. Students will be allocated a specific toilet to use and will be only allowed into the toilets in small groups to ensure social distancing.
  10. Students will be split for their morning break and lunch times to reduce the numbers of students mingling with each other. Students will have their 30-minute lunch in the same area every day and will be allocated a place outside to get fresh air.
  11. We will offer movement breaks and fresh-air breaks throughout the day and will check-in constantly with students to ensure they are doing well and felling safe.
  12. Students will be allocated the same door to enter and exit the school.
  13. Students should have their own hand sanitiser on them at all times and use it regularly. They should also have, and wear, a face covering, unless exempt for medical reasons
  14. Parents & Guardians are no longer allowed into any part of the school building without an appointment
  15. Students will be asked to wear their PE uniform (tracksuit bottoms and white T-shirt with appropriate runners) on the day they are timetabled to have PE. Please note that these days are NOT non-uniform days and non-PE clothing is unacceptable. It is not an excuse to wear jewellery, piercings or infringing the uniform code in any way. Students who wear inappropriate PE clothing run the risk of being sent home on these days.
  16. Teachers will not touch student journals for notes etc. All notes will be on our electronic system (VSWare) which parents have access to. We encourage you to check this daily to see any positive notes or notes of concern that your son/daughter may have.
  17. Students should have their own labelled water bottle and have it filled coming from home. We will not be able to fill water bottles or give out drinks from staffrooms.
  18. All staff & students must adhere to the one system in operation in the school. Walk on the left hand side.
  19. All staff will have completed Covid-19 safety training before returning to work.
  20. Students will not have access to their lockers. We will do our best to minimise the number of books students will need to bring to/from school each day and teachers will advise on this in the first 2 weeks of teaching.
  21. Students should not leave any of their belongings in school overnight.
  22. There can be no sharing of books or equipment in classrooms.

While these measures have been put in place, we must remember at all times that nothing works better than ensuring students take personal responsibility to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. This means ensuring they maintain safe distances from other people, cough/sneeze into their elbow or tissue which is disposed safely, wearing a face-covering when social distancing is not possible, washing hands with hot water and soap and continuing to sanitise their hands.

Thank you for your support in helping us to re-open safely and please continue to reinforce all of these important messages to your son/daughter as often as you can.

We realise that many of these measures sound scary and daunting but we will do everything we can to help you through this process. If we continue to work together we can make this challenging time that bit easier. Please communicate with us as often as you need – email is the most effective way of getting in touch with us.

Looking forward to welcoming your son/daughter back and to a great year ahead,

Tony Barry                                          Ciarán Duffy

Principal                                              Deputy Principal




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