Culinary Courses – Fully Certified QQI Levels 4 & 5
Fully funded under the Back to Education Initiative (BTEI) thanks to the support from both the Government of Ireland and the EU (Click here for more information on EU Funding)
(free to those on Job Seekers Allowance and qualifies for Back to Education Allowance)
Culinary & Nutrition Level 5 – Click Here To Enrol
Culinary & Nutrition Level 4 – Click Here to Enrol
ESOL – English as a second language – for info please call/text Emily on 087 223 7557
We are now also offering an ESOL module, (English as a second language) as an option on Culinary and Nutrition Level 4 and Level 5.
St Kevin’s CC Adult Ed provides additional language support classes for beginners to intermediate level in its college. This ESOL module is optional on Culinary and Nutrition Level 4 and Level 5. This module will improve your English skills and writing skills.
For further details please click here
Call or Text Emily on 087 2237557
- Shaheen Gopee
It has been amazing experience coming to classes de
spite being on a rollercoaster ride. It is a good steppingstone. This course has truly made a difference, giving me many opportunities to be employed or working for myself. And build my self-confidence towards my career.
- Deborah Connell
Even though this academic year was very challenging, because of Covid, my teachers did everything possible for us to finish the course. Studying at St. Kevin’s has given me renewed self-confidence, boosted my self-esteem, and provided a great steppingstone, with achievable results for third level education. I found the content of the course very interesting and teachers’ support and guidance during this year very invaluable. The time and patience they had with each student was amazing and made learning fun.
Deborah Connell
- Daiva Akhtar
It was a great time with super tutors. They won’t let you down. They provide you with confidence and support. They help you understand what you need to achieve and they guide you on the right path. Even during the pandemic they were very accommodating, teaching you how to cook online and learn at ease while learning new computer skills.