Board of Management Members 2024

ETB Nominees: Pamela Kearns  (Chairperson)
Trustee Partner Nominees: Bernadette McLoughlin

Sr Concepta Foley

Teacher Nominees: Anna Hudson

Brian Queeney

Parent Nominees: Liz Greenhalgh


Secretary to the BOM Tony Barry
Recording Secretary Ciarán Duffy

The Education Act 1998 describes the role of the Board of Management as managing the school on behalf of the patron and for the benefit of the students and their parents and to provide or cause to be provided appropriate education for each student at the school for which that board has responsibility. The Board of Management meets on the first Wednesday of every month throughout the school year and deals with matters including review and approval of policies, appeals regarding refusal to enrol and other matters, disciplinary hearings and teaching and learning matters. The Principal reports to the Board regarding attendance and punctuality updates, suspensions, referrals to social services, admissions process, student attainment and school activities.