Ireland has one of the best education systems in the world and has an internationally renowned reputation for academic quality.

  • Irish primary students are typically aged 4 years – 12 years.
  • Post Primary level students finish school at aged 18 years.
  • 1st, 2nd & 3rd years are called the Junior Cycle.
  • 4th Year (Transition Year) 5th & 6th Year are called the Senior Cycle.
  • Schools are open for approximately nine months between September (Late August) and June.
  • There are three school terms in the academic year: Term 1 – September to December; Term 2 – January to March (Easter); Term 3 – April to June.

Senior Cycle and Certification/Examinations

Students can have a 2 or 3-year Senior Cycle. The Senior Cycle is 3 years, if you opt to include Transition Year, which is our school’s preferred option.

The Transition year allows students to experience a wide range of educational instruction and work experience.

During their final 2 years in the Senior Cycle, students take one of 3 programmes, each leading to a State Certification:

  • Leaving Certificate
  • Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
  • Leaving Certificate Applied

The Leaving Certificate is the main basis on which students are allocated places in universities, institutes of technology and colleges of education.

The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme has elements of the established Leaving Certificate but concentrates on technical subjects and includes additional modules with a vocational focus. In essence, it means studying 1 additional subject called Links Modules which may be used for CAO points.

The Leaving Certificate Applied Programme aims to prepare students for adult and working life through relevant learning experiences. It is for students who wish to follow a practical or vocational programme. It is not recognised for direct entry to third-level courses but it can enable students to take Post-Leaving Certificate courses.