From Monday January 25th students will have more online LIVE classes to support them through this Lockdown period.

Please spend some time going through this timetable with your son/daughter so they know exactly which classes will be live during the week.

They will also have periods when they don’t have live classes – they should use these times to keep up with their study, do homework and catch up on any work they are not up to date with.

It is important that all students attend all classes and keep up with their work as much as possible.

3rd and 6th year students may end up using Calculated Grades again this year; they need to keep up with their work and the best way to do this is to attend their live classes.

All live classes are done through the Microsoft TEAMS App

We will also hold a Live DEMO to support parents with Online Classes at 4pm on Monday January 25th to help you to support your child with Remote Learning. To sign up for this please click here.

The Live Classes Timetable can be found here – Live Classes Timetable Website



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